I remember first seeing the film 300 and being highly amused by the over-the-top action and cartoony style, and then seeing it a second time and being strangely moved by its simplistic tale of heroism and honour. Similarly, I initially scoffed at the series Spartacus for its obviously appropriated style, stilted dialogue and reliance on violence and soft-porn sex, only to eventually find the show curiously involving and becoming a fan. The stories are interesting, the characters evolve, and it has a wonderful sense of abandon and enjoyment (most probably because it is filmed in New Zealand) that sets it apart from the usual clunky action series. It’s obvious the writers are committed, the actors are having fun, and everyone is enjoying pushing the boundaries of what’s acceptable.
Gale Force Nine, previously known for creating game counters and terrain, made some smart decisions with Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery, their first boardgame release. The game is well-produced and the rules seem fun, but most importantly, it captures the back-stabbing and violence of the series by mixing freeform deal-making (and breaking) and arena combat.
I’ll have a full review on the site as soon as I’ve given the game a test run, but in the meantime, here’s a rules summary and reference to make your games of Spartacus easier to play, as well as bloody and treacherous!