Cooperation is the name of the game
A Touch of Evil gets advanced.
When the EOG recently posted a v3 update for our A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game rules summary and reference, a plaintive cry was heard: “How come no love for the advanced mystery chart?”
Well, we’re not ones to leave our dear members disappointed, so behold! Version 3.1 of the aforementioned document, now including two copies of the Advanced Cooperative Mystery Phase Chart, for those of you who like to make things just a bit harder for yourselves. And the thanks of the EOG to that lone voice, who kindly provided us with the relevant information.
Oh, and sincere apologies for the dearth of posts lately; the EOG has been moving premises… but the dust is now settling in our new top-secret headquarters.
Update: v3.2 (extra cooperative step added to Mystery Phase on reference card).