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Join the Rat Race! What’s Inside Age of Sigmar: Skaventide

By June 25, 2024February 5th, 2025Miniatures Games, Reviews, Unboxing, Videos

This is what happens when a rat gets a little too comfortable around humans.

Peter unboxes the new Age of Sigmar starter set Skaventide!

Well here we are, up to the 4th edition of Age of Sigmar, and with memories of the Old World sparked by the big Warhammer Old World release, it’s interesting to see how far it’s successor has come in just shy of ten years. Ten years! The spotlight this time around is definitely on Spearhead, the last-playing, cut-down version of the game. let]s have a look inside the big box, and stay tuned, because I’ve already painted up the miniatures I need for Spearhead and will be featuring them in an upcoming video – followed by, of course, a battle report!