Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?
Work continues on the Hell Dorado Immortals Starter Set.
There are endless distractions here at the Order, but the Hell Dorado project continues in and around everything else that must be done. In fact my local supplier Slave to Painting just had a big sale, so I filled out my Demon and Immortals warbands and also purchased some Westerners, and I now have about 200 points of each. Of course, that means a lot more painting …
This next figure from the Immortals starter set is a lovely concept; a Chinese peasant worker shouldering a yoke from which dangle two buckets containing smouldering souls which can form a fetid mist to curse opponents.
As usual, if you have any other questions about any of these paint jobs, feel free to ask in the comments below.
The final Starter Set Immortal is next!
Wow! That looks lovely. Nice soft natural colors.
I’m very lazy with my miniature colour choices – I just follow the professional paint jobs!
Looks great. Did you pin the connections to the buckets? I’ve had trouble getting mine to stay together.
Nope, just sups glue. These models ted to be fiddly though, I’ve been using tiny blobs of green stuff as well as supa glue on some of the builds.