Why have the War of the Ring expansion Warriors of Middle-Earth when you can have the Warriors of Middle-Earth Limited Edition?
Age of Sigmar Month at the EOG continues, and it’s now time to pick up the brushes and get painting – starting with the 20-strong Chainrasp Horde unit!
The Esoteric Order of Gamers unboxes Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. But more importantly, it’s the EOG’s 200TH VIDEO! And they said it wouldn’t last …
Let’s kick off Age of Sigmar month and a new series of tutorial videos. Starting with getting the plastic bits off the sprues and gluing them together into pleasing and useful configurations!
Are you backing the EOG at Steward level or higher? Well here’s a special bonus for you: a new War of the Ring battle report video, with my thanks!
Another month, another Action Points – episode 6 in fact. Another ramble about games, games, and more games!
Oh no! Battle Report month has come to an end. But we’re going out in galaxy-spanning fashion with a very special 3 player game of Star Trek: Ascendancy!
Boldly go armed with the Star Trek: Ascendancy rules summary and reference.
It’s time for the third instalment of Battle Report Month, and this time Peter and Will lead their gangs into a Necromunda Underhive clash!
Giant killer robots tagging skycrapers? Grab your GKR: Heavy Hitters rules summary and reference.
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