Peter climbs out from under a huge pile of boxes to unbox an Excalibur pledge of Tainted Grail: Kings of Ruin!

Toss a coin to your Witcher and grab The Witcher: Old World rules & reference!
Is it Peter’s destiny to enjoy The last Kingdom Board Game? Watch the review and find out!

Destiny is all! And your destiny is to download The Last Kingdom Board Game rules & reference!
Wayfarers of the South Tigris – is this the game that will make me play more Euros?
Peter reviews the tactical creature battler puzzle that is Bestiary of Sigillum.

Control the Sigil of Time with your Bestiary of Sigillum rules & reference!
Another fascinating chat with games designer Mike Hutchinson!
There are some very special games in the EOG game collection – let’s look at Fury of Dracula.
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