Gothic horror! Bodysnatching! Weird science! It’s all here in a box of Abomination: The Heir of Frankenstein by Plaid Hat Games.
It’s a BAT REP! Get it? A BAT rep! Peter and Will play Batman: Gotham City Chronicles by Monolith!
The aliens are loose and you just woke up from hibernation. Yes, Nemesis by Awaken Realms is here!
Peter and Will get on the highway to hell and play Claustrophobia 164. Die, trogs!
The games have only just begun as I unbox Lifeform and expansions by Hall or Nothing Productions.
Hellboy. Old friends. Painted miniatures. A great game. What more could you want?

September’s bonus video for Patreon backers is a look at the classic, first edition BattleLore by Days of Wonder.
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