Who said we never play Euros around here? Let’s check out the Deluxe edition of em>Brass: Birmingham!

My 300th rules summary and reference is for Folklore: the Affliction by Greenbrier Games.

Blood Bowl lives on, and here’s the summary and reference for the 2016 re-release version!
Let’s venture into the wasteland, bag a copy of Monster Lands by Second Gate Games, and unbox it!
Unboxing the brand new version of Claustrophobia: Claustrophobia 1643 by Monolith!
Let’s brave grim and gothic monster-haunted mountains to unbox you Folklore: the Affliction by Greenbrier Games.
Will and Peter go head to head over a game of Fantasy Flight’s oldie, Forbidden Stars.
Unboxing Games Workshop’s new Warhammer Quest game, Blackstone Fortress.

Time to kick off the new year with what the EOG does best – a rules summary! And this one’s for Big Trouble in Little China: The Game by Everything Epic!
Unboxing Everything Epic’s Big Trouble in Little China: The Game. Everybody relax, I’m here.
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