In the last Joy of Unpacking, the EOG looks back at some great old roleplaying games.

Blood, spikes, skulls, you know the drill. Or do you? Games Workshop’s simple, silly and fun Gorechosen gets the rules summary it hardly needs.

Lovecraftian horror meets 21st century tech and the Mansions of Madness: Second Edition rules summary and reference.
Unboxing Mansions of Madness Second Edition. Am I going mad, or have I been here before … only without an app?
The EOG fulfils your requests to look inside some of those old Games Workshop classics!
The EOG brings you even more unpacking with episode número tres, featuring a big look back at some old Games Workshop classics.
The unpacking continues, as we discover games old, new, loved and unloved. Begone bubble wrap! Get thee hence, packing paper!
Join me, if you will, on a voyage of unpacking – and not just unpacking, but rediscovery – as we rip aside bubble wrap and packing paper to reveal the many and varied gaming purchases of the past!

A brand new set of redesigned cards for Puppet Wars Unstitched by Wyrd Miniatures!
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