Sorastro is back and he’s started on the rebel heroes in Star Wars: Imperial Assault.
Developing a theory about the Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island expansion Voyage of the Beagle.
Mulder and Scully together again in the The X-Files boardgame.
Athena meets Hades in the miniature-game-without-miniatures that is Mythic Battles

The briefly petty but largely noble history of the Petty Gods old school roleplaying supplement.
The biggest box so far on the EOG? Getting to grips with the big-in-ever-way Cthulhu Wars!

It’s a monstrously huge box full of monstrously huge figures. It’s Cthulhu Wars.
Sorastro returns with episode 9 and a guide to painting the Nexu from Star Wars: Imperial Assault.
Sorastro is back to show us how to paint the mercenary Trandoshans of Star Wars: Imperial Assault.
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