Is the StudioXL Everlasting Wet Palette by Redgrass Games a superior replacement for my tired old wet palette? Spoiler: it sure is!
Another tutorial devoted to our little miniature friends. This time we look at some storage techniques using sheet steel and rare earth magnets.
This advanced sequel to the Basic Basing video about basing miniatures adds magnets and spakfilla to your arsenal of base-making tools!
Thankyou to the the first supporters – a few goodies on the way!
Sorastro flips back to his Star Wars: Imperial Assault series and paints Han Solo.
Sorastro starts a whole new series of painting tutorials for Descent 2nd Edition.
Soarstro’s Star Wars: Imperial Assault painting tutorials continue with Rebel leader Gideon Argus.
Soarstro’s next Star Wars: Imperial Assault tutorial sees Boba Fett hit the painting table.
Soarstro continues his Star Wars: Imperial Assault tutorials, this time splashing paint on a Rebel hero called Diala Passil.

Will showcases his Goritsi army for Wrath of Kings.
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