The epic painting campaign by Sorastro continues with the mercenary robot IG-88 for Star Wars: Imperial Assault.
Sorastro continues painting the Rebel heroes in Star Wars: Imperial Assault – and it’s time for the wookies!

A handy tip for how to build the huge Harbinger model in Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death.
Sorastro is back and he’s started on the rebel heroes in Star Wars: Imperial Assault.

The showpiece of the Wrath of Kings Nasier faction: the Greathorn!

More painted Nasier figures from Wrath of Kings.

Two characters from Wrath of Kings: The Blind Hakar and Arkan Thesh.
Sorastro returns with episode 9 and a guide to painting the Nexu from Star Wars: Imperial Assault.

More Wrath of Kings goodness: Shadrus Arikim, the Beast of Oraam.
Sorastro is back to show us how to paint the mercenary Trandoshans of Star Wars: Imperial Assault.
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