Peter and Andy play the hilarious Space Gits, the upcoming new game about drunk-arse space orcs!
Peter and Andy play a game of Halo: Flashpoint by Mantic Games!
The new Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood of Venice expansion is here – and it’s an Apocalypse!
Peter finished painting War of the Rohirrim in 2 weeks – and you can too with these helpful tips!
Peter unboxes Maladum: Dungeons of Everon, the new 3D dungeon crawler from the makers of Core Space!
Peter dives into the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game – for the first time!
Want to try out Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team but not ready to dive in the deep end?
Can Mantic bring FPS action to the tabletop? Find out in my review of Halo: Flashpoint!

Return to the universe of Halo with your Halo: Flashpoint rules & reference!
Peter unboxes the brand new steampunk epic scale game Armoured Clash!
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