Let’s kick off the new year by opening a new game – of course! It’s Shadows of Brimstone by Flying Frog Productions.
Alone on a desert island with only a single unopened copy of Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island by Z-Man Games.
Let’s enter rim space together (oo-errr) and check out Blue Sun, the new expansion for Firefly: The Game by Gale Force Nine.
It’s time to open the throttle and ride high, because we’re unboxing Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem by Gale Force Nine.
It’s a cornucopia of little coloured plastic pieces as we unbox Clash of Cultures by Z-Man Games.
My Precious! My Precioussss! The Battle of Five Armies is here! Let’s unbox it together shall we?
I unbox BattleLore Second Edition from the relative safety of a hotel room in the heart of Auckland.
The wintery season continues, as we attempt the ascent of K2. Or just stay at home and unbox it.
Everyone’s talking about the new game from Plaid Hat: Dead of Winter. Let’s unbox it together shall we?
Unboxing A Study in Emerald; plus the rules summary and reference is revamped (see what I did there?)
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