Today’s bonus video for Patreon backers is a look at the history of my strange relationship with Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000.
I worked on it, now it’s time to unbox it! Atlantis Rising by Elf Creek Games.
How to paint the miniatures in the Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings starter box—quickly!
A big look at the miniatures extravaganza that is Recihbusters: Projekt Vril by Mythic Games!
A special behind-the-scenes (and behind-behind-the-scenes) bonus video!
Locked down with a lot of games and no one to play them with? Here’s ten ways you can still enjoy your games.
If there’s one thing we love at the EOG it’s a War of the Ring battle report, and it’s finally time for another!
It’s Action Points time once again, brought to you from the underground EOG bunker!
Checking out another game from Lucky Duck Games: Mutants: The Card Game!
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