Will and Peter go head to head over a game of Fantasy Flight’s oldie, Forbidden Stars.
Unboxing Games Workshop’s new Warhammer Quest game, Blackstone Fortress.
Rested and refreshed after a short break, Universal Head has returned, ready to start flooding you with a wealth of gaming goodies!
The EOG is taking a short break –Action Points Episode 10 tells you all about it!

If you’re backing the EOG at Steward level or higher here’s your October bonus video!
Everyone seems to playing Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, but what do Peter and Will think after getting it on the table for the first time?
Is the StudioXL Everlasting Wet Palette by Redgrass Games a superior replacement for my tired old wet palette? Spoiler: it sure is!
Care for another Warhammer: Age of Sigmar battle report, this time with Will? Allow me to oblige!
Unboxing Everything Epic’s Big Trouble in Little China: The Game. Everybody relax, I’m here.
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