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Conquer the known world with your Clash of Cultures (Monumental Edition) rules & reference!
The civilisation-building game Clash of Cultures, first released in 2012, is a bit of a classic now (you can find my rules summary for the original game here), but it always had one problem – it had a great expansion called Civilisations that was virtually impossible to get without paying a fortune for it on Ebay.
Thankfully, that problem is no more, because now you can get this shiny new editon. It includes the expansion – which really does add a lot to the game – plus another one called Aztecs that I wasn’t aware of, a nice new box and new graphic design, and newly sculpted minis (plus new minis of the Seven Wonders). All you need for an epic bit of empire building.
It scratches the itch for that type of game quite well, though of course there are many more contenders available these days. And I do feel there’s a little bit too much emphasis on the building and not quite enough on the conquering, and also I’m not a huge fan of secret objectives in games. But the search for the ‘perfect’ Civilisation game will always depend on the individual tastes of the players, and this one does a great job of delivering that in a reasonable time frame.
My completely reworked rules & reference covers all the major rules (though I’ve left all the nitty gritty rarely-accessed specific stuff in the rulebook).