The final set of army cards for Confrontation The Age of the Rag’Narok has now been uploaded—the living dead of Acheron, the army of the Ram. This also marks the end of this particular project: to create a rules summary and reference sheet, plus unit card sets for all five major factions, for the game. I’ve now redesigned all the cards from both this game and AT-43.
I couldn’t have completed this project without the tireless help of Cory Gerleman, whom I contacted back in March with some questions about the game and has since spent many hours working with me to proofread this summary and the cards, answer rules questions, clarify confusion in the original books, and in general be an invaluable partner on this project. Thanks Cory!
Of course if you find any errors do let me know and I’ll fix them, but for now, that’s enough attention for these excellent but sadly defunct tabletop miniatures games.