The noise she’s making, she’ll bring every one of those things down on her head.
Version 7 of the Descent rules summary adds co-op rules and updates from the latest FAQ.
Fantasy Flight’s dungeoncrawler is quite a venerable beast these days, and my summary is equally aged, now clocking up at version 7 with the addition of cooperative rules and some relatively major rules changes that were in version 1.6 of the official FAQ.
It’s also an auspicious day to update the summay, as today FFG launched the Road to Legend app for iOS and Android. I’ve only had a quick look, but this looks like an impressive way to play the game without an Overlord, and demonstrates FFG’s continuing commitment to experimenting with adding apps to boardgames. It’s free with a first campaign, but no doubt future campaigns will need to be purchased, so it’s a clever way to get more revenue out of the game system (not to mention remind those OCD types what they need to buy to complete their Descent collection!)
I wonder if we’ll see something similar for Star Wars: Imperial Assault? It will no doubt depend on the success of this new app.
In the meantime, enjoy this summary update. There’s certainly no shortage of dungeoncrawlers out there (and more on the way), but Descent still holds its own!
Don’t know if it interests anyone, but FFG has released the Descent app for Android and iTunes… and it’s free.
Sigh. I sold off my entire Descent 2.0 & all expansions a few months before news of this app came out 🙁
I never sell games unless they’re really, really bad. And they’re rarely that bad. 🙂
I sold it because I had an abundance of dungeon crawlers. Plus I wanted to fund the purchase of new games. Imperial Assault being one of them 😉
So you sold a dungeon crawler because you had to many to replace it with the very same dungeon crawler with a different theme?
They may both be ‘dungeoncrawlers’, but the rules are different and they both feel like very different games.
I tried to give away Death Angel…. he gave it back 🙁
First full Descent campaign available according the FFG, but I can’t download in UK yet.
Does mention others as ‘in App purchases’, so it’s likely the last freebie.
Just tried the first encounter of Dark Elements co-op for Descent to get a feel for the rules. I’m familiar with Imperial Assault, but the co-op rules seemed more confusing, even with the EOG summary. Will try again after reading the rules properly, rather than skimming them and the summary.
Played first co-op Descent with the Road to Legend app… Got beaten to a pulp in second room of Rise of Goblins. Morale dwindled to nothing.