We’re gonna need something with a little bit more kick.
Doom: The Board Game is back – and this time it’s, well … better.
The computer game Doom was first converted to a board game by Fantasy Flight back in 2004, and it’s ingenious custom dice system (later to be adapted for Descent and numerous other games) was something fresh and new in the world of dungeoncrawlers. Along with a bunch of spectacular miniatures, it made the game something special.
Twelve years later and the video game has been revamped, so why not revamp the board game too? And it’s been freshened up even more with a card-driven action system and a pile of miniatures that are among the best FFG have ever made. It’s fast, furious, and fun, and the only disappointing thing is that there’s no longer any reason to play the original version anymore. Though like retro video gaming, maybe it will come back in vogue one day …
The original Doom’s rules summary was one of the very earliest I created, so it’s a pleasure to present the summary and reference for the new version of the game. Get fragging!
Glad to see it; this’ll help me decide whether or not to buy the new boardgame (and maybe the new videogame as well!).
BTW, the banner on this page says “Black Orchestra”, not “Doom” (but links to the right rules-summary/reference page).
Cheers, fixed!