Duel of Ages II
The worldspanning combat and adventure game hits the EOG library.
Duel of Ages, originally released over a decade ago, was one of those games that floated around on the edge of my perception for years, but a cursory look saw it snubbed due to my (unreasonably demanding) requirements for graphic design. A lot of time has passed since the first edition and its many expansions, during which the game has attracted legions of fans. This new edition, Duel of Ages II, still suffers from a wildly varying standard of illustration and some unpolished graphic design. But—and I very, very rarely say this—the game is so much fun I hardly care. After some great reviews from people I respected, I snagged the Full Series Collector (Basic Set, Master Set and the Collector’s Bundle) and finally got the game on the table.
And by the powers if it isn’t fun. It’s like a crazy online FPS video game, only a lot more enjoyable and imaginative. If you don’t find Genghis Khan facing off against Spartacus while Annie Oakley takes pot shots at Martians, go elsewhere. But if that sounds like a hoot, you’ve come to the right place. Me, I laughed my head off and had a great time, but I can also see the amazing potential for variety and strategy that this incredible sandbox of a game has to offer. It really is something unique.
This was a complex rules summary and reference and there’s bound to be the possibility of errors, so let me know if you come across any mistakes. Watch out for a review of the game and, hopefully, an intereview with the designer (if he ever talks to me after the ‘unpolished graphic design’ comment)!
Thank you so much for this! Your methods definitely deliver a quality reference unlike any other source I’ve encountered.