A card game of arcane mystery and supernatural terror
Ahhh, Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos! Beloved the world over by artists, geeks and those who don’t have to pay licence fees! It’s astonishing how ubiquitous Lovecraft’s creations have become, and I often wonder what the man himself, brilliantly-imaginative-yet-unfortunately-racist intellectual that he was, would have made of it all. Especially the Cthulhu slippers.
Fantasy Flight Games have certainly done well out of the Mythos, developing their own, somewhat more gung-ho (and thankfully, not racist at all) version, dubbed ‘Arkham Horror’. And here’s the card game version, a beguiling confection of atmospheric scenarios, lovely art and design, a touch of character development and a freshly-baked cake of familiar LCG ingredients. Due to the scenario-based semi-roleplaying experience, it does fall short in the replayability department somewhat, but what better incentive to keep buying those expansions, aye?
I get an 404 NOT FOUND error when clicking on the rules summary link.
Unacceptable! Fixed.
Nice Summary. Very useful indeed. Thanks.
Just came across this. Well put together. I look forward to having it as a resource for next time I play.
Is it possible to format this for the new box size?
No, I’m sorry. Seriously mate, if someone was paying me to do this full-time I could fulfil every little personal request. But sadly, no one is.
Thanks a ton. This is wonderful.
Was this reference every intended to include additional rules from subsequent campaigns? It’s such a pain not having a single rules reference for all of the rules that came after the core set.
No it wasn’t. Perhaps one day I’ll download all the subsequent PDFs and add the extra keywords, but currently this is just for the core set.
Is there an updated version of this with all the latest game terms?
Not right now, I’ll have to go through all the main expansions to update it. I’ll put it on the list …
im new to board gaming in general but always find myself back here so just wanted to say thank you for all the work!! 🙂
Hi Robin, and welcome to a huge and all-consuming hobby! If you want to be more involved with the EOG, I have a Discord channel (there’s a link on the home page of this site) where there’s a great little community of like-minded gamers. Also, I have a Patreon page if you ever wish to support the EOG financially. In any case, glad you’re finding my work useful!