Explore the dawn of Dune.
Another Dune game from Gale Force Nine? Yes, but this one is actually set generations before the events of the novel and is a remake of an oldie called Borderlands, published in 1982. As such it’s a resolutely old school design that demands a different mindset to most contemporary boardgames.
If you have a group that’s comfortable with a more relaxed attitude to rules and a penchant for negotiation and deal-making, this may be just the thing for you. If you eschew diplomacy, sometimes aggressive play, and like your rules questions to be thoroughly answered, perhaps not. But either way it’s good to see this venerable title from the designers of Dune and Cosmic Encounter get a new lease of life, and the Dune licence fits it comfortably.
Download my rules summary and reference below, and check out my full video review for much more detail about the game and my personal thoughts!