Maybe, just maybe, you’ll survive foul Mutants, horrible diseases, insidious plots, and sanity-blasting rituals to reap Fate’s rewards.
Scratch an old gamer (urgh!) and you’ll probably find some Dungeons & Dragons in his teenage years. But when it was released in 1986, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay immediately became our roleplaying game of choice. We started a campaign in ’87 and, after a hiatus of about ten years, started playing again with 2nd Edition. It’s still a bloody entertaining way to spend an evening. Of course, the role of ‘gamemaster’ means I always have to spend ages to prepare the sessions and it can be mentally exhausting to run them. Here are some reference sheets for 2nd Edition that make things a little easier so you can concentrate on the story and the atmosphere, plus a character sheet design.
Hello, sorry to be a bother, but according to the Core rulebook, you only receive a -20% WS penalty when performing an Attack with the weapon in your secondary hand. As far as I can see there is no mentioning that this also applies to parry actions. Is this correct, or have I missed someting?
I’m sorry, but it’s been years since I played, your guess is as good as mine!
Weaon Qualities: Balanced: when in a second hand, ignore the -20% WS. But If you use weapon… Dagger (not take talant Ambidextrous and not Qualities: Balanced) you take penalty -20% WS any action in your secondary hand.
Thanks for these!
Glad someone’s using them!
Good Job.
My gaming group uses this but like mentioned above there is an error so is it ok if I edit it on my end?
Be my guest. If you can tell me exactly what to fix so I don’t have to go back through my old books and can do it quickly, I’ll even update them for you.
on the GM screen reference under Two Handed fighting, on page 4 of 5, it states:
“May use either hand to make an attack (no extra attacks). Attacks and parries from a secondary hand are -20% WS (except for weapons with the Balanced quality); -10% for shields and weapons with the Defensive quality”
You are still at minus -20% to attack with a shield, but parries with a shield are +10%.
So I would word it as follows or similar:
“May use either hand to make an attack (no extra attacks). Attacks from a secondary hand are -20% WS (except for weapons with the Balanced quality); Defending with Secondary Hand has no penalties to weapon skill although Defensive Quality Weapons and Shields are +10%”
The main rulebook cause a lot of confusion and the way you have written it was how people were interpreting the rule, but was later clarified on the website on an FAQ while I can show you if you wish to see the evidence.
Appreciate your help
Thanks a lot for the quick responses and fast action.
It really is a good job you did and I will continue to use it for as long as I play.
No worries. If by some chance you wish to support the good work here at the EOG, check out my Patreon page or my donation page! Cheers!
Can you provide a link to that FAQ? I’d like to read it. Thanks!
I haven’t got it, sorry, you’ll have to hunt it down online.