All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
Best wishes for the holiday season to all my readers and supporters.
Holiday season again? What!? That year certainly flew by. Here we are again preparing for another, and it only remains for me to wish all those who visit the Esoteric Order of Gamers a truly excellent call-it-what-you-will end-of-year season celebration of your choice!
It was a busy year for me – a three week trip to Japan and a house purchase (finally!) were the highlights. I kicked off the year by mentioning that I would be posting less stuff in 2016, but in the end I really couldn’t keep away from my favourite hobby and ended up posting 60 times over the year – still pretty good going I think, considering everything here at the EOG is done by yours truly.
We kicked off the year with a three-part Wrath of Kings battle report (and there’s another one in the works for the start of 2017), and there have been 13 Joy of Unboxing videos and 24 brand new rules summary sheets (and countless unheralded updates). Foamcore insert plans continue to be popular, and I must turn my attention to making more of those next year. Unfortunately I still haven’t managed to get some EOG promotional items together, but it’s extremely high on the list of priorities, I promise!
Remember, I’m always interested in your feedback and what you’d like to see more of (or less of). And don’t forget to sign up to the forums and chat to your fellow EOG members.
As always, my heartfelt thanks to those who are kind and thoughtful enough to support the EOG by opening up their wallet in appreciation of the time and effort that goes into keeping the EOG alive and kicking. Every donation is hugely appreciated and makes a big difference.
Good gaming, fellow members of the Esoteric Order of Gamers! See you in 2017!
Universal Head
To UH and all members of the EOG…Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Happy holidays to all!
Happy New Year… hope it’s better than the last one…
Happy New Year all! I for one aim to visit here more often in 2017 than I ended up doing in 2016, which will correspond in an increase in general gaming activity 🙂 Thanks for all you do UH !
Good to hear James!
Happy Holidays Folks!