Everyone lies in this business, I accept that.
Gale Force Nine’s game of espionage and deception based on the TV series Homeland.
I watched the first season of Homeland and quite enjoyed it, but after a big spoiler came out I lost interest in watching the rest—amazingly, there are 8 seasons all up. I never would have pegged it as the subject for a game, but here it is attached to a nice little game of terrorism and espionage, complete with traitor mechanic.
Sadly the game sank without trace pretty quickly, and although I enjoyed my one play I must admit I’m not desperate to get it to the table again. But if you see this one on special as I did, grab it. It’s out of print now, and it’s a good mid-weight game with a bit of a Battlestar Galactica feel, and not a bad addition to your collection.