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The Joy of Unboxing: Joan of Arc Expansions

By March 3, 2020March 4th, 2020Boardgames, Unboxing, Videos

I’ve seen enough blood, but if you want more, I can’t stop you.

Check out the plastic glory that is the Joan of Arc Apocalypse and Siege expansions!

The sheer magnitude of the Mythic Games Time of Legends: Joan of Arc campaigns is astounding; I can’t imagine the difficulty of putting together something so massive that consists of so many moving parts. Of course it took longer than expected, but that’s hardly a surprise given the size of the task at hand. But the waiting is finally over, and I have in my hands the rest of my very expensive (oh, the shipping!) and much-anticipated original Joan of Arc pledge.

And what an impressive collection of plastic goodies it is too. The Apocalypse set is completely over the top, brimming with fantastical and horrific miniatures, but I’m most excited about the Siege box, and the anticipation of setting up some visual stunning battles involving castle walls and siege engines. There’s a lot of painting in my future, but it really is going to result in some amazingly fun and beautiful games.

But before all that, I have to open the boxes. So let’s do it together!

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