Mansions of Madness—I love its flawed greatness, its atmospheric bits, its very hit-or-missness. It’s a game that can fall horribly flat one day, then deliver the most entertaining of boardgaming experiences the next. One thing I don’t like about Mansions of Madness however, is organising and storing all the bits.
However, once again the Esoteric Order of Gamers is here, sheets of foamcore, white glue and pins in hand, extolling the virtues of putting in a little bit of effort in return for a beautifully organised box of goodies. Download this set of foamcore plans and it won’t be long before you’re putting those ’orrible Elder beasties in their place—not to mention all those counters and cards.
Now it’s noted on the plans, but make sure that the crosspiece that holds the smaller cards in place is not glued to the box. The idea is that it’s a removable piece so you can get to those cards a bit easier.
There’s a lot of stuff in the Mansions of Madness box, and it was quite a challenge to design this particular plan. While it works well for me, don’t feel constrained to follow it exactly. As you get more experienced with foamcore insert design, you may see opportunities for improving on the plans the EOG supplies—have at it! These designs aren’t set in stone—but if you come up with something that you think works well, we’d all love to hear about it.
And finally, remember to always check the measurements before cutting. As much as we abhore such things, these plans are complex to create—and little errors can occasionally creep in like shoggoths in dark cyclopean corridors deep under forgotten antarctic wastelands … sorry, I got a bit carried away with my metaphor there. We’d hate to have you waste any of your precious foamcore.
Yes! I’ve been patiently waiting for these plans. As soon as I saw your reference photo, I knew that I was going to use them. Guess I have a weekend project now! Thanks for all your excellent work.
Let me know how it goes!
Thanks for the plans! I finally had a chance to build these inserts and they worked out perfectly! Thanks for all the hard work in helping to make games even more beautiful.
Now, if only I had the patience to paint the minis…
Great to hear Greg! Now get painting, it’s easy—and it can be quite relaxing accompanied by music or an audiobook. 🙂
Hey guys. Does anyone know if there are some excellent painters who would paint my Mansions of Madness figures for a fee?
Not that I know of. Boardgamegeek?
Do your painted minis stay in good shape? They’re all just mixed in together there in their respective bins. I’m curious because your work has inspired me to make an insert myself for a different game that also has painted minis. Space is a premium so I’m wondering if it’s worth trying to come up with a design to keep them all separated or just jumble them all in one area like you did here.
Yep, they’re fine. I spray them with a semi-gloss varnish which protects them pretty well (you can use gloss for an even harder finish, or matte for a more realistic but less hard finish).
I wouldn’t jumble together the miniatures I use for tabletop wargaming, which I tend to lavish more care on and—this is the crucial point—tend to be much more fragile. For those I have storage systems involving either foam trays, or rare earth magnets and metal containers!
These are really just gaming pieces. That said, I haven’t noticed any damage done to them from knocking about together.
Hello! I was just looking through your plans and they look gorgeous, but I got confused by one part: The puzzlebox are 30mm high, the ones for counters 40 mm, plus the bases I get it to 80mm high together but the small figure tray is 70 mm high with it’s base yet on the finishing pictures it looks like they are just as high. So I figured I must have misunderstood something and really don’t want end up with maps lying in an angle.
You’ve discovered an error Bella, thankyou! Now I’m wondering how the other people managed to build it properly …
My apologies, I’ll fix this right away. As you’ve no doubt guessed, the trays are 30mm and 40mm high including the bases.
Hello again! I was wondering which program you use to make those pretty plans? 🙂