An’ jest then our folk organised the Esoteric Order O’ Gamers, an’ bought Masonic Hall offen Calvary Commandery for it … heh, heh, heh!
What’s happening to the Esoteric Order of Gamers in 2016?
Greetings, dear fellow members of the Esoteric Order of Gamers! The frequency of new content here at the EOG is changing, and I thought I’d take this opportunity to explain.
There’s going to be quite a lot on my plate in 2016, and I’ll be taking time away from the EOG to devote to some other things: my professional work, some more overseas travel, and most importantly, one or two other creative projects.
I think it’s also important that a need to update the site every two or three days doesn’t turn what is an enjoyable hobby into a chore. I’ll still keep making rules summaries for my new games, and the forums are there for EOG members to meet and chat. But the frequency of new content will be dropping off somewhat, and I won’t be trying to keep to the regular schedule of updates I’ve maintained for the last three years.
It may be that I’ll return to more frequent updates in the future. The EOG is just ‘slumbering’ for a while, like Cthulhu in his dread city of R’lyeh. After all, that is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die …
As always, sincere thanks to all those who support the EOG with donations, large and small, and all my loyal fellow EOG members.
Universal Head Grand Master of the Esoteric Order of Gamers
Forgive the meander…. but it will make sense at the end.
I had a backlog of books to read, so I set myself a goal of reading a chapter a day. I did that for 18 months and got through a lot of books.
But there was a point when it became a chore. I wasn’t enjoying it. So I took a break.
So… the point is… if you need a break… take it. EOG will survive.
Yep. My purpose in doing this is to slow it down before it becomes a chore. Thanks mate – especially for those last three words!
Thank you for all your hard work!
I really appreciate all you have done and all those beautiful aid cheats are used every time I play my games.
Take a break BEFORE things you used to love become a chore
We will be patient!
Thanks for the understanding ‘Paul’!
Feel free to call me Kwisatz Haderach :p
No worries and thanks for all the great stuff. Even if you did absolutely nothing here for a year (which I know won’t happen), it’d still be an amazing resource. Enjoy life and what you’re doing, that’s the most important thing.
Thanks Ralf, I appreciate it.
Just to say thanks for all of the rules summaries you do they are really useful! Especially helpful to give to people so they can check rules in the game with out having to look in the rule books.
Yes. We don’t want you to feel burnt out, or that EoG is a chore.
Many many thanks for all you’ve done in this site. The amount of stuff you’ve put up here (mostly) solo is staggering!
Cheers mate, I appreciate that.
No need to post more then what feels comfortable, as your site is more based on quality then quantity imo. I still enjoy your old instruction videos; they inspired me to both start painting my board game mins and start creating custom inserts.
They’ve certainly been popular – though they take the longest to prepare, film and edit!
Without a leader do we become the ‘Esoteric Disorder of Gamers’?
You are fully-fledged EOG members now; and now my role is to sit back a bit and watch the Order thrive!
Well….best of luck for all the things you want to do! Hope to see you and Will on the occasional battle report…love those
Cheers. I must admit I’m looking forward to a few games without the distraction of filming, but we may still record the occasional battle report when he visits.
Thank you for all that you have added to the hobby and will add in the future. You have earned a well needed break. Your contributions have been incredible. My group uses your aids all the time and I enjoy watching the painting guides and battle reports. Enjoy your time and we will still be lurking about…. Safe travels.
Thanks for your kind words Lobosolo!
Good luck with all your ventures for 2016
Thanks Steve!
All the best for 2016. Enjoy your travels and pro work (so you can buy those big expensive box games).
If you can’t be happy be insanely happy.
Cheers mate!
It is not despair, for despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not.
This comment section does have a heavy feel of a last goodbye when the meetings just got a little irregular.
Take your time of course. I had a second little unboxing video prepared myself, however i kind of lost it somewhere along the way. Maybe writing it out here will someday get me to pick it up again.
Thanks a lot for everything and all the best for your projects!
Still, it’s lovely to hear such kind words from my fellow EOG members!
No, I’m not gone, just slowing down quite a bit.
Take care & return refreshed the Travel Locations look cool.
And to think I was just getting accustomed to the international stardom of appearing in EoG battle reports:
– being recognised on the street
– having to take holidays in expensive ‘A-list’ resorts to avoid the crowds of paparazzi and signature-hunters
– being pestered by my agent to start tweeting my pointless opinions and post daily to a Facebook page about what I had for breakfast.
Gad, my life has suddenly become hollow and meaningless again!
I’m sure we can manage a battle report next time I’m over there, it’s hard to keep two inveterate spotlight-hoggers off the stage.
And that’s definitely not just a figure of speech, considering that we’ve played hundreds of live gigs together and usually been the main attention-seekers in the band!
Maybe Battlereport – The Musical next time?
Once More With Feeling!
Your battle reports with Will are a joy to watch and made me go out and try a few new games. Thanks to both of you – enjoy the time out of the spotlight.
Though I hope to see a War of the Ring v3 when Warriors of Middle Earth is released at some point!
Cheers – and WotR v3, well of course!
Overseas, eh? That’s Great! I myself am planning a trip to China later this year. May the Wind Be With You in Work and Travel!
Thank you for all your hard work. Your tutorials and battle reports have certainly inspired me and made me try new games. Look forward to any content you do out out and wish you a happy and successful 2016. Long live the Order!!!
Thanks for your kind words Mike! Indeed, long live the Order! (clashing of goblets)
Hmmmm… Should really have an initiation rite for the Order. Like getting your head shaved while hanging upside down from a tree and eating goat entrails at the same time. You know. Harmless little pranks like that
What? You mean you missed out on the goat thing?
Aha! I knew it! There’s a Secret Order within the Order.
Now… spill the beans. How does one join the Inner Circle? What dastardly deeds do we have to perform?
Well if I told you it wouldn’t be secret would it?
Heh. Good one, UH
Love what you do here. Hope it continues when you are ready.
Secret Order in the Esoteric Order? The Stars must be Right!
The value of what you’ve given has been immeasurable. Thank you and enjoy yourself.