Come inside and have a cup of tea!
Harvest as many moonstones as you can with the Moonstone miniatures game rules summary!
Among all the seriousness and grimdark that seems to characterise so many tabletop miniatures games, it’s breath of fresh air to discover Moonstone. Goblin King Games contacted me out of the blue to offer me a copy of their compact starter set, and while I wasn’t really keen on getting another miniatures game, I’m very glad I accepted this one. The resin miniatures are just gorgeous and bursting with character and fine detail, and the whole theme brings to mind the more whimsical and humorous worlds of Jim Henson, especially The Labyrinth, with characters like ‘Baron von Fancyhat’ and ‘Doug the Flatulent’. While I haven’t yet got it to the table—the card-based mechanics read as fun and different, with a refreshing bit of bluffing involved (check out my unboxing video for more discussion about the mechanics).
It’s amazing that small publishers produce such high quality work these days. Look out for more Moonstone coverage—I’ve painted up the miniatures and hope to bring you a battle report soon! In the meantime, enjoy my rules summary and check out the game if you have the opportunity!