We revel in the laxness of the path we take
Continuing with my painting of the Hell Dorado Demons Starter Set, two Damned Ones of Sloth were next on the block, and here they are for your visual delectation.
These came out a little more pink and healthy-looking than I would have liked, but I am very pleased with the detail in the faces, which would not have been possible without using the 2.8x magnification of my recently purchased head loupe. Remember, these miniatures are less than 25mm (1 inch) tall!
There are some nice touches here which I lifted from the ‘official’ paint jobs—the grey lower lids and tiny pupils give the eyes that wonderfully lazy look, and a red wash on the knees, elbows and hindquarters definitely gives the impression they’ve been dragging themselves around the harsh landscape of hell, too lazy to get off their swollen fat spotty behinds! A perfect example of how to add painting details that add a bit of ‘backstory’ (if you’ll excuse the tenuous pun) to a figure.
This is also the first time I’ve used tufts on a base, which I think you’ll agree livens them up quite a bit. These Army Painter winter tufts give a touch of ‘swampland’ feel that seems to go particularly well with these demons of sloth.
Remember, please let us all know if you’ve played any games of Hell Dorado, or are even just interested in the game.
Great job!
I enjoy the detailed descriptions you go into with your painting updates. I’ve only been painting for almost a year, so I look for tips anywhere I can find them.
Keep them coming
More to come. Later on I’m planning doing another video series as I paint the miniatures from Mantic’s Deadzone.
Could you please give some guidance as to the head loupe you use? I’ve been considering one for faces, etc. but don’t know the first thing about them.
I see some with multiple lenses, others with fixed, etc.
It’s a 3-LED ‘Light Jeweler Magnifier Magnifying Glass Loupe’ – cheap Chinese make, from the NZ equivalent of Ebay for about $20. It comes with 4 spectacle-like lenses (1.2x, 1.8x, 2.5, 3.5x) which clip hanging down from the end of the visor, an adjustable LED light on the top of the visor with a brightness adjustment switch, and it runs on 3AAA batteries.
There are many types available, but that’s the one I ended up getting. It’s cheap and not very well made – but it does the job!
I can see my wife’s eyes rolling already. . .
That said, I finally got around to doing the faces/eyes on my Descent heroes this weekend, and while the details were easy to spot with just the primer present, as soon as I started cutting in with dark flesh tone, they all disappeared. Afraid I’m going to need some magnification.
Thanks, as always.
Oh yes, it sure isn’t a fashion statement! You’ll be amazed at how much easier it makes your painting however.
Went with this one.
Should arrive tomorrow. We’ll see. Thanks for the info.
Yep, that’s pretty much the same one I got. Be careful not to break the battery compartment, it’s very flimsy. And you may have to swivel the lense clips 180º to find the side where the lenses clip in (took me a while to work that out).