I’m gonna be sore in the morning…
Let’s continue painting Hellboy The Board Game and get the minions and monsters done!
Wow, almost a month has passed since I posted the first in this series—that was quick! Sorry it took so long. You’ll be happy to know I’ve almost finished part 3 so I’ll be speeding things up from now on.
To be honest, I got distracted and painted up two Blood Bowl teams and the entire Big Trouble in Little China set. Sometimes you just hve to go where the whims take you, and while I’m pinting new games, I like to finish off a few things in the backlog pile as well. But now I’m powering full steam ahead on Hellboy, because it won’t be long before I have other miniature heavy games like Batman and Joan of Arc to tackle!
In this episode I plough through the rest of the basic minions and monsters, including a bunch of Nazis and swarm of frog-men. Most of the Nazis look fine after a base coat and wash, but stay tuned for the next episode where I go into more detail about highlighting.
So get out your paints and brushes and follow along!
Looks great as usual 🙂 Do you bother with the gaps of the figures or is the color enough? I think I saw gaps with the undercoated nazi minis but not with the painted models?!?
If they’re just very small gaps usually I can fill them in with paint. If they’re particularly noticeable a bit of Vallejo plastic putty is good for filling gaps.