The most potent weapon of war!
A handy tip for how to build the huge Harbinger model in Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death.
If you happened to have got your mitts on a copy of Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death, you may be wondering how to fit that huge Harbinger ‘miniature’ back into the box once you’ve assembled it. Well, the trick of course is to make those wings detachable! How do you go about that? Well, look no further, because the Esoteric Order of Gamers has the solution …
First, as with a lot of the figures in the Shadows of Brimstone sets, you may wish to get out the green stuff and plug those big gaps in the model after attaching the legs, arms, tail and head. Of course, don’t attach the wings! Don’t forget to clean off mould lines with a sharp scalpel and perhaps a needle file.
These next steps take a bit of fiddling with scalpel and pin vice, and some trial and error. Cut and drill the plastic out so you can fit a couple of rare earth magnets into the wing sockets. I used 6mm wide by 1.5mm deep magnets. Try to get them nice and flat in there. You can fill up gaps around them with more green stuff once they’re super glued in place.
Of course you need to do the same to the wing joints. This is a bit trickier, so be careful, though green stuff is your friend for fixing up damage to the area around the joint. Make sure you check the polarity of the magnets so the correct sides are in place and magnets that are meant to attract one another don’t repel each other instead!
It all takes a bit of fiddly work, and it’s best of course to check and re-check that the join is good before gluing the magnets permanently in place. Once that’s done, and everything is dry, you can fit the wings to the body and make any further repairs or fill any obvious gaps with green stuff. Then start painting your model!
Here’s the final result. Of course you’ll always have a small gap where the wings and body join, but if you’ve done your job well it will be negligible, and more than offset by the advantage of being able to easily store your Harbinger model. Just pop those wings on and start killing banditos and desperados!
Hope you find that a useful tip – but again, be careful with those fingers while you’re mucking about with scalpels and super glue. Good luck!
That indeed is a very handy tip! Either do that or never put it back in the box again (like me)…
Are the magnets strong enough to lift it on the wings?
I’ll soon be done with painting the other brimstone minis and the swamp set has a much better variety. If you paint the city of the ancient monsters in their intended (artwork) color, you pretty much only got blue monsters.
Just tested and yes – they are.
Fantastic! Would have done this if i hadn’t attached the winges already. Will keep it in mind for future figures.
Now you show me! Got the break the wings off to fix it now!
@ The8thPagan: aren’t you supposed to be painting your WarmaHordes minis? 😉
Stop nagging. I started.
Brimstone painted ages ago.
Back to the Harbinger. Managed to remove the wings without major damage, but did a really good gluing so a chunk of plastic remains in the sockets. Thinking of using my pin drill to add pins and secure them that way… which does mean there will be sharp prongs, but on the plus side I can use them to stab anyone that annoys me.