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The Space Gits Battle Report!

One day, cock of the walk. Next, a feather duster.

Peter and Andy play the hilarious Space Gits, the upcoming new game about drunk-arse space orcs!

You already know how much I enjoy the games of miniatures game designer Mike Hutchinson, creator of the amazing Gaslands and Hobgoblin games, so I jumped at the chance to try out his new still-in-development game Space Gits. It’s time to get out those old space orcs you’ve had lying around for ages (mine go back to the very first Warhammer 40,000 orc releases in 1987!), get them very drunk, and have it. It’s quite possibly the most fun you can have with miniatures.

If you wan t to back Mike’s upcoming Kickstarter campaign – and of course you do! – here are the links: the Kickstarter Coming Soon page, and the Space Gits page on Mike’s website.