When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not.
Get your inner Han Solo on with the Star Wars: Outer Rim rules summary and reference!
Yes my gaming friends, I don’t muck about here at the Esoteric Order of Gamers! No sooner have I unboxed Star Wars: Outer Rim, than I’ve done a rules summary and reference for you. I think this simultaneous release is a first!!
This is not only an indication of how much I value you (especially those special people who support me with a few bucks) but also an indication of the fact that I really should have more paying work on at the moment. But the siren song call of the EOG continually tempts me away from things I really should be doing to earn a living … curséd games!
Enjoy, and let me know what you think of this game—I haven’t had a chance to play it yet.
Looking forward to V2! the provided player aid cards (that use some from the original game and some from the expansion) are really NOT great, ha!
I do have the expansion on order, so I’ll update this when I get it.