There were a lot of explosions for two people blending in.
The Star Wars: Rebellion rules summary and reference sheet v2 adds the new Rise of the Empire rules.
I must admit I’m a bit tired of the endless Star Wars hype, especially since there hasn’t yet been a film made that takes the universe into any new and interesting places (in my opinion), but I thought I’d give the new expansion for Star Wars: Rebellion a go regardless. Though I haven’t quite enjoyed the game yet after a couple of tries, it does get good reviews, and I’m willing to believe that I haven’t discovered its true potential yet. Like, you know, an apprentice discovering her inner force potential … or something like that.
So here’s v2 of my summary with the new rules added – most notably the ‘cinematic combat’ (a fancy name for a re-jigged combat system with more specific combat tactic decks for the two sides). May the hype be with you!
Update: v2.1 tweaks the new combat steps a bit.
Update: v2.2 fixes another combat error.