Peter and Andy play a game of Halo: Flashpoint by Mantic Games!
Can Mantic bring FPS action to the tabletop? Find out in my review of Halo: Flashpoint!

Return to the universe of Halo with your Halo: Flashpoint rules & reference!
There’s a brand new starter set out for Mantic’s Firefight. And I’m going to talk about it!
Universal Head unboxes Firefight: 2nd Edition by Mantic Games and goes through the new rules!
Peter and Andy put Deadzone: 3rd Edition by Mantic Games through its paces!

Exterminate the enemy on distant planets with your Deadzone: Third Edition rules summary and reference!
How to build your strike teams for Deadzone 3rd Edition!
The brand new Deadzone 3rd Edition has arrived – let’s have a good look at what you get!
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