Will and Peter go head to head over a game of Fantasy Flight’s oldie, Forbidden Stars.

If you’re backing the EOG at Steward level or higher here’s your October bonus video!
Action Points Episode 9 comes with a health warning!
Action Points episode 8 is lurking under the table. Look out!

The Eldritch Horror rules summary and reference now includes all the expansions – revamped so they’re easier to use!
The year was 2005 and a new game appeared called Arkham Horror. Revolutionary stuff at the time! Let’s dive into a fresh copy all over again.

Adventure in the post-apocalytic wasteland with the Fallout rules summary and reference.
The Last Jedi movie just came out – so let’s have a Star Wars-themed unboxing: the Return to Hoth and Jabba’s Realm expansions for Imperial Assault!
Fallout is the new game by Fantasy Flight, and its unboxing calls for something special!

The Star Wars: Rebellion rules summary and reference sheet v2 adds the new Rise of the Empire rules
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