Peter and Will head back to the Warhammer 40,000 universe to play Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth by Games Workshop.
Man-sized rats and man-sized men clash among the rotting ruins of a fantasy city in this exciting Mordheim battle report!
Let’s have a look at Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000: Dark Imperium, the new 8th edition starter set.
Will and Peter throw the gigantic metal robots from Adeptus Titanicus at each other. And it ends in a high noon, Wild West, main street shoot-out!
Way back in 1988 Games Workshop 1988 went epic and released Adeptus Titanicus. Let’s play it!
Peter and Will unleash their inner nine-year-olds to play Battle Masters!

Blood, spikes, skulls, you know the drill. Or do you? Games Workshop’s simple, silly and fun Gorechosen gets the rules summary it hardly needs.
We celebrate the release of Games Workshop’s Shadow War: Armageddon by going back to where it all started: 1995’s Necromunda!
The high-octane-fuelled shenanigans continue in the second and final part of this exciting Battlecars battle report.
Road rage can be fun – when it’s Games Workshop 1980s style. Let’s go back to a Mad Max-like future and play Battlecars.
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