War of the Ring is an epic masterpiece – can War of the Ring: The Card Game live up to it?
The battle reports continue – and not with just two armies, but with five! Peter and Will play The Battle of Five Armies!
Lifting the lid on Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell: A Board Game of English Magic by Osprey Games.
If there’s one thing we love at the EOG it’s a War of the Ring battle report, and it’s finally time for another!
I explore some Lord of the Rings-themed games—as requested by Magician-level supporter Joseph Bromley!

Meet the Esoteric Order of Gamers first Magician – Joseph Bromley!
Why have the War of the Ring expansion Warriors of Middle-Earth when you can have the Warriors of Middle-Earth Limited Edition?

Are you backing the EOG at Steward level or higher? Well here’s a special bonus for you: a new War of the Ring battle report video, with my thanks!

Lead Frodo to safety with the help of the Hunt for the Ring rules summary and reference.
Welcome to a new segment here at the Order – Quick Tips! Fast video tidbits carefully calculated to increase your tabletop gaming enjoyment.
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