From Ares, the makers of War of the Ring comes Hunt for the Ring – let’s unbox a copy!

Is War of the Ring still the best tabletop game of all time? After this last game, I still think so!

The warriors of Middle-earth join the epic battles of War of the Ring in version 5 of the rules summary and reference!
The War of the Ring Collector’s Edition battle report comes to its exciting conclusions – and a red couch wrapup!
Will and Peter start the new year with the classic War of the Ring and a two-part battle report – and this time we’re playing the Collector’s Edition!
Too much War of the Ring is never enough – let’s check out Warriors of Middle-Earth by Ares Games!

The Battle of Five armies commences with v1 of the EOG rules summary and reference.
Wrapping up War of the Ring, and a post-game discussion on the red couch.
We’re back from a long lunch and ready to tackle the next stage of the saga that is War of the Ring.
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