Foresaken Lore expansion rules added to the Eldritch Horror rules summary and reference.
Foresaken Lore expansion rules added to the Eldritch Horror rules summary and reference.
The Descent 2nd Edition rules summary v5 adds the Shadows of Nerekhall expansion and the rules from the Lieutenant packs.
Rip it up! The weird miniatures boardgame Puppet Wars Unstitched clambers onto the shelves of the Esoteric Order of Gamers game library.
Universal Head answers a few gaming related questions posed by The Dice Men Cometh podcast.
Warhammer: Diskwars takes its place in the Esoteric Order of Gamers game library.
The Deadzone sheets have been overhauled, adding icons, the rules from the Nexus Psi supplement, and a few things from the designer’s FAQ.
Continuing the recent tabletop miniatures theme, Hell Dorado is the latest addition to the Esoteric Order of Gamers game library.
A Study in Emerald joins its Mythos-related brethren in the Esoteric Order of Gamers game library.
Eldritch Horror squeezes its tentacled bulk into the Esoteric Order of Gamers game library.
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