Allow me to show you how to build the beautiful steampunk ships from the Dystopian Wars starter set Hunt for the Prometheus!
In part 3 of this series on painting Tainted Grail, it’s time to finish up the main character models.
We take the new game from the maker of Frostgrave through its paces as our crews battle for loot on an alien planet!
Settle back, relax, and enjoy an esoteric chat with game designer Mike Hutchinson about all things gaming!
In part 2 of this series on painting Tainted Grail, I tackle the base coats and washes for the character figures.
From the safety of dry land, let’s unbox JAWS by Ravensburger and Prospero Hall!
In part 1 of this new series, I show you how to paint the menhirs and coins from Tainted Grail!
Get your storm bolters ready as I unbox Warhammer 40,000 Heroes of Black Reach by Devil Pig Games!
It’s all guns blazing aboard deck as I unbox the Dystopian Wars: Hunt for the Prometheus starter set!
Adeptus Titanicus reaches the next level with the Horus Heresy starter set.
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