Will and Peter throw the gigantic metal robots from Adeptus Titanicus at each other. And it ends in a high noon, Wild West, main street shoot-out!
Way back in 1988 Games Workshop 1988 went epic and released Adeptus Titanicus. Let’s play it!
Let’s bring the shambling corpse of AT-43 back to life again with another fantastic battle report!
Peter and Will unleash their inner nine-year-olds to play Battle Masters!
In the last Joy of Unpacking, the EOG looks back at some great old roleplaying games.
We celebrate the release of Games Workshop’s Shadow War: Armageddon by going back to where it all started: 1995’s Necromunda!
The high-octane-fuelled shenanigans continue in the second and final part of this exciting Battlecars battle report.
Road rage can be fun – when it’s Games Workshop 1980s style. Let’s go back to a Mad Max-like future and play Battlecars.
Unboxing Mansions of Madness Second Edition. Am I going mad, or have I been here before … only without an app?
The EOG fulfils your requests to look inside some of those old Games Workshop classics!
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