I am one in a row of specimens.
Let me take you on a long and detailed journey through a lifetime of game collecting!
Settle back, pour yourself a drink or make yourself a fresh pot of tea, and I’ll tell you about my games. Since the age of 12 I’ve been collecting them, and apart from a short period where I pretended otherwise, they’ve always been my obsession. My old gaming buddy Will was here to film some new battle reports recently, and I took the opportunity to put him behind the camera so I could share my collection and some of the memories behind the games. But this isn’t a dry and dusty collection of unplayed games, oh no! They get played, I make summaries and foamcore inserts for them, and I paint lots and lots of miniatures. It’s an all-consuming hobby with many rewards.
So if you want to to see the kind of games that make up the philosophy behind the Esoteric Order of Gamers, take some time out of your day and allow me to walk you through them!
Here’s a picture of a page from my games database, for those that are interested:

You mentioned in the video that you have a database to keep track of your collection. Kinda curious as to what information you keep in it. Currently I use BGG to keep track of my collection but it’s not necessarily the way I want to keep track of it.
It’s a custom-made database in Filemaker Pro, which is an expensive databasing program I bought in the early days of my business, and now have to spend a lot of money keeping updated all the time as all my databases are in it. Unfortunately however I’ve never been able to find a cheaper alternative! I’ll post a picture of one of the pages in a moment.
What a great collection… size and content. Congratulations on that. I am a bit jealous 😉
Really enjoyed this deep dive into your collection. Any chance of a Memoir 44 battle report? Thanks
I’ll try to remember that for next time I do a batch of batle reports!
Hi Peter
What storage units are you using there? They look a bit like the ones sold at The Warehouse but I’ve looked at those and I’m not sure they are wide enough internally to store game boxes. Sorry if you mention it in the video, I must have missed it if you did.
You’re in NZ aren’t you Adrian? They’re from Warehouse Stationery, the office supplies store. Not sure if they still sell them though. They’re a 3 x 4 unit, and I’ve cut 3 x 2 ones and attached them to the top. For the main wall then, there are three of these 3 x 6 units next to each other.
Each cube is about 385mm internally.