Surely you don’t expect me to believe this is your first time cooking?
Another edition of Warhammer is out, and you can become a master with my Warhammer: Age of Sigmar (4th edition) rules & reference!
Is it fourth edition already?! It seems only yesterday that the Old World was destroyed. And yet here we are, with an insane amount of established lore and background detail (and thousands of double-whammy names like GriftSpoon and FearChucker and SkyScraper), and Age of Sigmar is going strong.
But hold on, there are some really good changes in this edition, and they’re all about how the rules have been re-written. In a surprisingly revolutionary move, Games Workshop has made everything in the new game an ability (even core actions like moving and charging), colour-coded the phases of the game, and identified categories by icons to boot! At first it all seem a bit too much, but when you play it really does streamline the experience.
And there’s more – a new fast-playing version of the game called Spearhead (that jettisons the command and magic rules and plays with pre-organised small armies), means you can get a game to the table faster than ever before, and bash your way through an enjoyable and even quite tactical battle in a fraction of the time it would take to play a full game. I’m impressed! And I’ve even filmed a battle report to show you Spearhead in action.
I really like the changes they’ve made in this edition, even if they still don’t have the courage to implement alternating activations and get rid of the, to me, superfluous ‘to wound’ step. Perhaps next edition! In the meantime, here’s my rules & reference, which gives all the rules released in their online PDF, only in a far more succinct and shorter form. I’ve even retained the formatting and colour-coding of each action, because it all works so well.