A peculiar secret cult had gained force here and had engulfed all the orthodox churches. It was called the ‘The Esoteric Order of Gamers’ and was undoubtedly a debased quasi-pagan thing imported from the East a century before.
Very best wishes for the holiday season to all my readers and supporters.
Even the Esoteric Order of Gamers takes a break around this time of year—and I try (usually unsuccessfully) to spend some quality time away from the computer. In fact I’m off to see The Force Awakens tomorrow for a start! And I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all the EOG members out there the compliments of the season and, as always, my thanks for your support.
How old is this humble gaming site now? Well the first post was back in April 2013, so that’s about 2 years and 8 months, incredibly enough. And apart from the occasional short break, I can proudly assert that the updates have continued to come pretty regularly. I work hard to ensure that there’s almost always something new to enjoy on the EOG website. In fact there’s been 114 posts this year, which is a very respectable average of about one every 3 days—especially since this continues to be a website run by just one person.
The forums are ticking along nicely—257 subscribers as of this writing—and it’s nice to see regular posts by our regular visitors. If you haven’t joined up yet, why not sign in and take part in the discussions? We’re a friendly and helpful lot.
I’ve already teed up some fun stuff for the new year: a three-part Wrath of Kings battle report video, foamcore box insert plans for Dark Moon, and a rules summary for A Game of Thrones LCG to name just a few.
As always, I’m always interested in your feedback. Let me know what you’d like me to improve in 2016; all suggestions are welcome.
And, last but never least, my warmest thanks to those special EOG members who have seen fit to put a hand into their wallet to support the EOG with a donation. I don’t know if you noticed, but there are no advertisements on the website or in my YouTube videos, and the only way I make any money at all from the EOG is through donations. Every one means a lot to me personally and is greatly appreciated—and they always go directly into improving the website in one way or another.
To all EOG members worldwide and their families, have a good one, and see you next year for more esoteric gaming!
Universal Head
Wishing yourself and fellow EOG members a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Enjoy the festive season and hopefully some of your games too
UH, once again thanks for providing a fantastic gaming resource..
Thanks mate, you’re one of the special regulars and it’s great to have you here. Sending you an email now with a thank you for your generous donation too! 🙂
Merry Christmas and a happy new year. OR in German: frohe Weihnachten und nen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. Greetings from Germany, your everytime watcher ALEX.
an other german alex joint in:
thx to universal head for the fun and enthusiasm in gaming! so good, i mean your battlereports AND the rule summeries (i play deadzone, and without your summary, the book keeping would be terrible…)
so: DANKE SCHÖN and happy happy christmas and new years days to you AND all the other members of the order of gamers.
greeting, alex
Danke my German friends! 🙂
Many thanks and best wishes from Montreal! I will be spending Xmas unboxing, playing and creating foam core inserts for this seasons games following some of your inspirational creations 🙂
I’m a little late to the party but Merry Christmas to everyone! Thank you for enriching my gaming experience UH and all the others who come here regularly.
Hope your Christmas was awesome