You will learn someday that being half human, makes you stronger than a god.
Will showcases his Goritsi army for Wrath of Kings
Regular visitors to the Esoteric Order of Gamers will of course know of my regular gaming opponent and old friend Will, who appears in all of the EOG battle reports (and very often wins in them). Here’s a bit of non-gaming-related trivia: we have also played in various bands together (Will on bass, myself on drums) since we were both sixteen. So we go back a ways.
Will has also become a pretty dab hand with a paintbrush over the years, and his Goritsi army is a good example for his skills. Here it is in all its glory, ready to be soundly trounced on the battlefield by my Nasier army when next we play. Perhaps…
This reminds me of a scene from the movie Tootsie where Dustin Hoffman is talking to a cameraman: “Closer … closer … NOT TOO CLOSE!!”
Best viewed from a few feet above the table I fear!
Great work, Will! I often feel the same way about my work after a photo shoot, but yours do look great.
No loyalty on this website, no loyalty at all ..
Loyalty? What’s that? It’s cold, hard cash… start paying us and we’ll root for you! 😀
I pay you in rules summaries and videos! 🙂
Errr… go, Peter, go! Beat the STUFFING out of those nasty werewolves!
(Don’t worry, Will… we’re all still secretly rooting for you) 😉
Nice work Will. I look forward to seeing them soundly whump Peter’s mask wearing buffoons in a forthcoming battle report.
I like how you two have similarly matching bases.
I’m still waiting on beams of inspiration to finish my bunch WoK figures.
We both had vague dreams of finishing two more factions for last month’s visit, then amended to October when Will next visits, but I doubt it’s going to happen. It takes a long time to paint a faction!
BTW, Will… not sure if you know this or not, but the Dancing Master has an alternate sculpt with her wearing a mask… so it’s not a manufacturing error that wiped out her facial features. Good thing I learned that BEFORE I started painting my Goritsi (OK, that’s a lie… I need to finish my Nasier and Hadross before I start my Goritsi).
Yep, I thought that Dancing Master had a melted face/manufacturing stuff up at first but luckily spotted photos of it on some WoK paint ups and realized it was intentional before doing something silly like gluing on a DarkElf head.
So this means I’m going to have to paint a mask on her? NOOOOOO!
Yet to muster the motivation to tackle the next phase of the Teknes. Building, basing and priming knocked the stuffing out of me.
All my Hadross are primed white and ready, but I can’t seem to work up the enthusiasm right now to paint them all either!
The mask is pretty simple. Look up the figures online and you’ll see some samples. Just plain white/black like a domino mask with an eye slit.
I know that feeling. I bought a Circle Orboros army for Hordes and its all primed and ready, but their armour looks a bitch to paint, so keep putting it off.
Haha. Is everyone facing a “painter’s block”? I’m staring at my Alkemy and Nasier figures and can’t muster up the get-go to paint/prime them all…
Weird. We need some kind of ‘paint that army in September’ campaign!