I was a prince in this land. No one was allowed to look directly into my eyes.
This time on the Wrath of Kings showcase series showcase series we check out a Rathor Battle Shaman.
Aother great figure from the Nasier faction, the Rank 1 specialist Rathor is a battle shaman with an impressive couple of ranged magic attacks, and a magical aura that cancels out several enemy defensive special abilities. Of course, he does look a bit like a giant humanoid rabbit, but who’s going to tell him that to his face?
It was a pretty straightforward miniature to paint, though the wrappings on the arms were a bit fiddly. I took a cue from the studio paintjob and painted a red liquid swishing in the flask at his belt. Click the images for even larger shots. More Nasier figures very soon!
Very nice work. The red liquid in the flask is a great little detail. The like the skin tones you achieved on this one.
Funny how one of the biggest musclebound figures is a magic user for the Nasier.
I really wish you had not mentioned “rabbit” now I can’t stop that image. Originally I thought bull or Minotaur when I first saw this figure.
Yeah I assumed this guy was a melee hard hitter but then I discovered he was the magic user. Something different. There’s a really big Hellboy influence in the Nasier figures, especially the characters.